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The Tulsa Beacon


Catherine White

Muskogee, OK

Letter: No to a Muskogee marijuana business

Tulsa Beacon

The Muskogee City Council meeting on July 11  showed  an amazing illustration of the existence of two worldviews, which were and are in contrast. One is known as a Humanistic Worldview versus the one known as the Judeo-Christian Worldview.  The Council was hearing opposing presentations about the necessity and value of authorizing the third marijuana…

Letter: Appreciating our law enforcement

Tulsa Beacon

With all of the negativity and malice toward those who bravely serve and protect our families, it is important to support those who wear the badge as local police department and sheriff’s department peace officers.  Every day, thousands of law enforcement officers across the country leave their homes and families while they faithfully protect the…

Letter: VP Harris abandons our veterans

Tulsa Beacon

Maybe We The People along with Veterans – old and young – from all branches of the military may want to take a stand against what Kamala Harris said about veterans’ benefits recently. She is quoted as saying the following: “The United States government cannot continue to pay for every need of what has become…

Letter: We desperately need leaders who will stand for the truth

Tulsa Beacon

According to Pierre Bynum’s “Prayer Targets” article, there was a story that captured my heart. In 1978 at Harvard University’s commencement Address, Americans heard from a prophetic voice.  The speaker’s comments have proven to be true. Combine the book published first in Paris – Gulag Archipelago – and Os Guiness’ book  -A Free People’s Suicide…

Letter: Christians must speak

Tulsa Beacon

The summer before the election, the Civil War was going badly for the Union. Lincoln was convinced he was going to lose the election. He wrote in a memorandum August 23, 1864, asking his Cabinet to accept the grim prospects for his re-election, thinking all was lost and he would lose. Clearly the Union was…

Letter: Parents know what is best for educating their kids

Tulsa Beacon

As parents, we should insist on the best for our children’s education. As Abraham Lincoln said, ”The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation will become the philosophy of the government in the next.” Public schools will continue to be one of the major forces that shape the next generation, but there is a shocking…

Letter: Should we really take a coronavirus vaccine?

Tulsa Beacon

Many are thinking that things cannot go back to “normal” until there is a vaccine available and even government mandating its use is the means to prevent a health crisis. Vaccines are touted as “safe and effective” and to be given per the CDC schedule. Does rushing a hastily manufactured vaccine then mandating it for…

Letter: PP arguments for abortion invalid

Tulsa Beacon

In the publication “DAY 41 Spring 2020” provided by the pro-life organization 40DaysForlife on pages 8 and 9, there are five arguments in favor of abortion. The first is “My Body, My Choice”, but science is clear: the fetus is a new human being with its own set of DNA from the moment of fertilization….

Letter: Christians and politics

Tulsa Beacon

We live in a time of acute political polarization, exacerbated every election cycle by a 24-hour barrage of candidate advertisements reflecting two opposing worldviews, a myriad of issues and advice on recommendations on ways to vote. Unfortunately, the toxic tone and extremely partisan nature of our political  system  discourages many Christians – and citizen voters…

Letter: Justice Gorsuch makes reforms

Tulsa Beacon

Neil Gorsuch has only been on the Supreme Court for a short while, but he recently ignited the fire of liberty and broke 40 years of precedent when he, all alone, refused to join the SCOTUS “cert pool.” The cert pool was established in 1973 during the early days of the Burger Court, in order…