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The Tulsa Beacon


Robert McDowell

Historically, gun registration and confiscation lead to tyranny

Tulsa Beacon

With the fairly recent spate of “mass shootings” that has occurred, the cry has again been raised to institute “gun registration” on a national basis as well as in some states.  History has proven time and again that when guns are outlawed or confiscated (bought back), the statement, “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will…

The falsehoods from the liberal news media never seem to stop

Tulsa Beacon

It seems to me there is nothing more offensive than the continuous barrage of outright lies coming from those one the left side of the political fence and the blatant twisting of factual stories found in the – mostly national but too often local – “news” sources.  Evidences of that is mind boggling but everywhere…

Carter’s judicial expansion is still causing serious problems

Tulsa Beacon

In July, information surfaced, surprisingly in a daily publication, with a headline that read: “Mexico uncovers massive migrant smuggling ring.”  No reporter credit was given and the story was dated “Mexico City (AP).  The story began: “Mexican officials have uncovered an industrial-scale migrant smuggling ring using tractor-trailer rigs disguised as freight carriers for major companies.”…

Carter’s judicial expansion is still causing serious problems

Tulsa Beacon

It seems that since the administration of PRESJC-39 (James Earl Carter, D, Georgia) congressional action has been permitted to nominate to the federal district courts more than twice the number of judges that had been serving prior to Carter’s being in office.  Somewhere in his early days in office, a cry arose that the federal…

All nations – including Israel – should control immigration

Tulsa Beacon

Actually, it has long been accepted that any nation-state has the right to accept or reject any person or persons for whatever reasons it might have.  Would that the United States would return to that principle for our own borders!  Hopefully, the current administration will maintain the course and step up the effort to protect…

Armed United States citizens contribute to our public safety

Tulsa Beacon

To the credit of the government and chief of police in the recent Ohio shooting, almost, if not all, law enforcement in the area had been activated and they had the perpetrator put out of action in a matter of seconds, thus limiting the number of victims. In El Paso, it turns out that a…

Lawbreakers, not guns, are to blame for the recent shootings

Tulsa Beacon

Over the first weekend of August, our nation was once more subjected to not one, but two multiple shooting sprees in gathered crowds.  Of course, the usual uproar of those in the Communist/Fascist/Socialist-believing mob are expected to mount another loud demand for gun confiscation or some form of action to gain the same result.  It…

The Memorial Day ceremonies still make me proud of America

Tulsa Beacon

Although it is two months since Memorial Day, it was so meaningful this year that it moved me to tell about it now.  The delay is because while the main media story was the next day, my copier machines are all on the “disabled list” and it was only until mid-July that copies were able…

Enforcing the laws on the books would cut down on violent crime

Tulsa Beacon

Having been critical, in my opinion, of the misconduct of certain members of the Congress, it seems to be proper to offer some suggestion on how to first stop the progression of violence before more are killed than in the terror shooting in Las Vegas. And then what could be done to reverse this trend…