I noticed you endorsed Sen. Nathan Dahm for Congressional District 1 in the June 26 primary election. I was disappointed in that endorsement since we already had Andy Coleman, a well-qualified, honest man with all types of credentials in the race.
As one of my friends commented, “When will the Christians get smart and stop putting two Christians against one another?” He is absolutely right. We lost. We lost big.
Now we definitely will not have another real conservative who will actually vote pro-family values, who will vote for a strong conservative Speaker of the House, who will not stand strong and courageous for Oklahoma District 1 but also stand for what is needed in the United States. Nathan should have had a humble heart and stayed out of that race. He already had a position of influence and was suited for that. He was not suited for the sharks of D.C.
Andy was also the only candidate that was repeatedly targeted by candidate Kevin Hern, with TV ads and mail ads claiming Andy was the instigator of claims made by Club for Growth Political Action Committee regarding Hern’s campaign financing for Democrats and Republicans. Also, Andy was actually a Never Trump person and that Hern was the “real” pro-Trump candidate.
All his barrage of ads were actually not true. Andy came in less than 900 votes behind Hern and got a spot in the (August 28) runoff for a spot on the November 6 ballot. Andy came in third.
It’s a sad day when a wealthy man who owns McDonald’s restaurants can convince enough of the electorate of lies and build himself up to secure a position of supposed trust and integrity.
I certainly hope that reliable and trustworthy people will not stand behind Kevin Hern in the general election because it would only justify many of the voters’ beliefs that politics is for liars, charlatans and untrustworthy people.