Where will you spend eternity?

That’s a question that almost everyone will ponder in their lifetimes.

Some philosophies believe that once you die, that’s it. You just cease to exist. Others think that there might be an afterlife and if you have done more good than bad, you will go to a good place. If you were evil, you will be punished (at least for a while).

When Jesus Christ came to earth as a babe on Christmas Day, He ushered in a standard. Due to his sacrifice on the cross, His resurrection and His ascension, Jesus proclaimed the promise of salvation. Not only would those who place their trust in Jesus be assured of Heaven, but they would begin that marvelous relationship with Him right here on Earth.

It’s a gift. It’s not based on merit but on the grace of God.

Here’s the catch. Your parents can’t make this decision for you. Your spouse can’t. Your minister can’t. It’s up to you.

There is no better time than now, especially at Christmas, to take that step and trust Jesus. Tulsa is full of devoted Christians and good Bible-believing churches that will help you start that journey.

Take that step and you will experience the peace of Christ and it will be to your benefit for eternity.