The Spirit of fear that has taken over with millions of people over this COVID-19 virus has caused more problems than if we had reacted as we have always done with our annual flu virus. It has caused churches to
close, businesses to bankrupt, national politics to be controlled by incompetents and dozens of other unintended consequences to plague us, affecting school-children for years to come.
Newsmax just came out with a chart reporting “Deaths by Vaccine Type, 1990-present,
Plague 3
Shingles 300
Measles 519
Polio 1,000.
They list 31 including COVID 19 with 21,000 deaths and
growing daily. (These are deaths from the vaccination).
One of the vaccines is made from aborted fetuses. . from the womb to the tomb.
Experts on the masks now say that they are worthless.
The advocates of all of this claim that conforming to all of these government regulations show love for your neighbor. It borders on being a religion, with strong judging. It’s a real case of calling right wrong and wrong right as the old prophet Isaiah warned.
There have been God-given plagues with promises to His people in Psalm 91 that “no plague shall come to your house.”
Pharaohs magicians reproduced some of God’s miracles, just as Communist China has been
traced to have released this on the Christian world and any that happen to get in the way.
For all who plan on vaccination; get your affairs in order: last will and testimony, etc.. (I am closing with a little hyperbole).