Some very important races and issues will be decided on February 8 in what historically will be a low voter turnout.
Here are the Tulsa Beacon recommendations.
Tulsa Public Schools Office 7
This is an open seat on a school board dominated by liberals who don’t dare defy the administration.
Former Tulsa County District Attorney Tim Harris is the clear choice. He will add honor, hard work, expertise and common sense to an important position.
Vote for Tim Harris for Tulsa School Board.
Two Propositions for Bixby Schools – $110,000,000
It is incredible that a school district the size of Bixby is asking voters for more than $110,000,000 in borrowed money during a pandemic. Bixby is a growing district and has needs but planners should target smaller amounts to borrow.
Vote no on both propositions.
Broken Arrow Public Schools Office 2
This is an open seat as board member Steve Majors declined to run again.
There are actually some good candidates in the field but Debbie Taylor stands out. She owns a local business and has been active in community service for more than three decades. She has been endorsed by Linda Murphy, former Oklahoma Secretary of Education under former Gov. Frank Keating.
Broken Arrow needs a strong, conservative voice in education and Taylor is the clear choice.
Vote for Debbie Taylor for Broken Arrow School Board.
Union Public Schools Office 2
Board member Chris McNeil and Shelley Gwartney both seem like good candidates. McNeil is a doctor who attends LifeChurch while Gwartney is very active in the PTA and attends BattleCreek Church.
Two Propositions for Jenks Schools – $14,025,000
Jenks passed a giant tax Increase a few years ago. This is a more reasonable approach.
Vote for both propositions.
City of Bixby Special Proposition
This would approve funding for a auditorium/venue in Downtown Bixby that would be a joint venture between the city and the school district.
The Performing Arts Center would seat up to 1,500 and cost $43,000,000 to build. It would cost the average tax payer $43.56 (with a house valued at $100,000). That’s a lot of money for a small auditorium that’s off the beaten path.
It would be better to let a private group provide this kind of facility if it were truly needed.
PSO Utility Franchise with the City of Tulsa
There’s no choice but to vote yes.
Sand Springs City Council Wards 1 and 2
We don’t have enough information for a recommendation.