President Joe Biden claims he doesn’t understand why foreigners want to flood across our southern border.

“I think one of the fundamental things we’ve got to do in addition to some of the changes we’ll make, which we won’t get into it today, is that if we figure out why they’re leaving in the first place,” Biden said at a National Governors Association meeting at the White House in late January. “It’s not like people sit around and say, in Guadalajara, ‘I got a great idea, let’s sell everything we have, give it to a coyote, take us across the border, leave us in the desert in a country doesn’t want us. We don’t speak the language. Won’t that be fun?’

“You know, there are gangs we’re working on, there’s a whole lot of illegal movement, but there’s also a way to begin to deal with the reason they’re leaving in the first place.”


Does Biden expect Americans to believe him when he says  he doesn’t know why more than two million came here illegally in 2021 and why they continue to come in large numbers?

First, he gave an open invitation to anyone who wanted to come illegally by issuing an unconstitutional mandate to reverse President Trump’s successful efforts to close the border to illegals.

Then Biden halted work on the border wall, which was an effective deterrent. Biden handcuffed the actions of the Border Patrol and engineered the illegal release of aliens. His administration is secretly flying illegals to cities in the United States in the middle of the night.

Biden knows this. Yet he clings to the narrative that it’s up to foreign countries to stop illegal immigration to the U.S.

Even the U.S. Supreme Court recognizes that this is a threat to our national sovereignty.

Joe Biden is responsible for this ongoing catastrophe and he makes matters worse by lying about the causes and his lack of effort to stop it.