On the second day of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, friends from the NATO nations sent up to 18,000 weapons to the citizenry to use. There are citizens that were willing to fight to the last drop of blood.
This has caused the killing of many young, inexperienced Russian soldiers – with hundreds, maybe thousands of body bags coming to their families in Russia and this puts more pressure on Vladimir Putin than anything else.
It is not a popular war with the Russian people, particularly with families who are losing loved ones. (Even communists love their children.) It’s not even referred to as a war, which reminds me of the entry of the U.S. and myself into the war against North Korea in 1950. It was originally called a “police action” and then the “Truman War.” It was so unpopular that it ultimately ended his presidential career. It was different in that Truman was right and it is believed to be the strongest reason for avoiding or delaying World War III for 70 years.
An armed citizenry is the reason given why Japan in World War II did not invade our West Coast. They knew there would be house-to-house fighting. President Biden, as commander-in-chief of our Armed Forces wants to disarm private citizens and to ignore the 2nd Amendment to our Constitution (the right to bear arms).
Will you choose to be a live coward or a dead hero if or when government officials come to your door to confiscate your gun or guns?