Abortion is murder and no matter how many laws are passed by the Oklahoma Legislature, until abortion is legally recognized as murder and outlawed, innocent livers will be lost.

The Oklahoma House passed HB4327, by Rep. Wendi Stearman, R-Collinsville, which parallels the Texas Heartbeat bill. That Texas bill is causing Texas women to come to Tulsa to have their abortions.

HB4327 allows private civil lawsuits to be filed against any person who knowingly performs or attempts to perform an abortion except in cases of medical emergency to save the life of the mother.

The bill would allow civil action against anyone who knowingly engages in conduct to aid or abet an abortion, including paying through insurance or otherwise. Statutory damages of not less than $10,000 for each abortion performed or induced as well as nominal and compensatory damages for harm suffered and courts costs and fees would be assessed for those found guilty of violating the law.

Here’s what will happen. The bill will pass and be signed by Gov. Kevin Stitt. It will take effect and out-of-state law firms will file an injunction to halt enforcement. It will go to the Oklahoma Supreme Court who will overturn the bill based on Roe v. Wade. The court will once again ignore the Constitution and let the federal government trump the state.

Republicans will be able to say they voted to stop abortion when they didn’t.

Abortions will continue. Unborn, innocent babies will keep dying in Oklahoma plus those from Texas.