Kilolo Kijakazi, Acting Commissioner: Social Security Administration, announced that local Social Security offices began in-person services on April 7.

He said online services and telephone calls are still the most convenient ways to contact the agency.

“I am pleased to announce that local Social Security offices will restore in-person services, including for people without an appointment, on April 7,” he said.

The agency encourage those who can to use the  online services at or they can call and schedule appointments in advance rather than walking in without an appointment.

Customers who walk in without appointments may encounter delays and longer waits at the offices.  The offices tend to be the busiest first thing in the morning, early in the week, and during the early part of the month.

Given that many people have health vulnerabilities, and consistent with union agreements, Social Security is continuing to require certain safety measures including masking, physical distancing, and self-health checks for COVID-19 symptoms.  They will provide masks to the public and employees.

:As we transition to a new modern phone system, some people may experience a busy signal or be unintentionally disconnected from their call,” said Kijakazi.  “We sincerely regret this disruption and recommend people call when our National 800 Number may be less busy, such as before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. local time or later in the week.  Like our offices, our waits are generally shorter later in the month.

For more information, visit

Many Social Security services are also available by dialing toll-free, 1 800 772 1213.  People who are deaf or hard of hearing may call Social Security’s TTY number, 1 800 325 0778.