When the pro-abortion crowd doesn’t get their way, they react violently in trying to intimidate anyone who disagrees with them.

When pro-life groups show up, they are orderly and they respect their opposition.

When someone illegally leaked a U.S. Supreme Court memo indicating the possibility of overturning Roe v. Wade, violent protesters attacked churches, non-profits who help women reject abortion and the homes and families of justices of the Supreme Court.

Threatening physical harm to a justice to force a change in a vote is against federal law but Joe Biden’s Justice Department refuses to arrest any of the violent protesters outside the home of the justices who favor overturning Roe v. Wade, the unconstitutional decision that legalized abortion.

Biden has flipflopped. He first promoted the protests and then he put out a public relations statement “condemning violence.”

Trying to coerce the Supreme Court with violent threats to them and their families is a legitimate insurrection as it seeks to overthrow one third of our government. Yet the Democrats who have thrown patriots into prison without a trial are quick to do anything to force the Court to bend to their will.

And they lie.

This decision, if it is forthcoming, would not end legalized abortion. It would simply put the issue back with the states where is should be, according to the Constitution.

California, New York, Connecticut and perhaps half of the states would still permit women to kill their unborn babies legally.

In his lust to preserve the baby killing, Biden is stacking the deck against the Court and Americans who value life.