The Republicans in Tulsa County Commission District 3 have to make a decision on June 28.
The best choice is Tulsa businessman Bob Jack.
For 50 years, Jack has played important roles in some of the most important construction projects in Tulsa.
He was senior vice president for Manhattan Construction’s Tulsa division for four years. He was a manager at Oil Capital Electric and eventually president during a 23-year stretch. He knows how to get things built and built under budget.
Jack, a dedicated Christian, is on the board of John 3:16 Mission. He is a former chairman of the Tulsa County Republican Party and now is an alternate of the Tulsa County Election Board. He is a member of the Tulsa Industrial Development Advisory Board and is a founding member of the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Foundation.
No one in recent memory has served on the Tulsa County Commission with such a well-suited list of talents and experience.
Jack is a fiscal conservative and he wants limited taxes, balanced budgets and prudent fiscal policies. Government should not replace individual initiative. He believes that preserving the environment is good business and makes good sense. Jack has proven he will support county law enforcement.
This is a crucial time in our history. Tulsa has some very good leaders and Jack is the most qualified candidate on the ballot to keep things moving.
The Tulsa Beacon endorses Bob Jack for District 3 Tulsa County Commission.