Vice President Kamala Harris has called for a ban on guns which are “intentionally designed to kill” people.
What an asinine statement from a sitting vice president.
The purpose of a gun is to do damage and to kill. The framers understood that any population that was stripped of guns would be more subject to tyranny from an over-powerful central government.
Because of recent events by insane people, Harris has called for a reinstatement of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. She thinks semi-automatic firearms “belong only on a battlefield.”
She either doesn’t know what “semi-automatic” means or she is deliberately trying to misinform the public on what she wants to do. And the liberal media is fully behind her scheme.
She is blaming the guns and not the crazy people who use guns to destroy others.
Harris has no proposals that actually would deter gun violence because it doesn’t jive with the Democrat plans for prison reforms. They want to stop prosecuting criminals, end bail and empty the jail and prisons.
She and President Biden would like to take away guns from people and create a great dependence on the federal government. There was a reason we got rid of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. It didn’t work and it went way too far in its reach.
This nonsense should be stopped in the U.S. Senate.
Weapons’ bans are a forerunner to gun registration which is just one step away from confiscation (look at Australia).
The Founders knew a government needs checks and balances. An armed citizenry is an important part of avoiding tyranny.