Bob Jack is the best choice for Tulsa County Commission District 3.

Jack, a long-time expert in the construction business and former chairman of the Tulsa County Republican Party, will be on the ballot August 23 in a runoff with fellow Republican Kelly Dunkerley.

Jack was senior vice president for Manhattan Construction’s Tulsa division for four years. He was a manager at Oil Capital Electric and eventually president during a 23-year stretch.

Bob Jack knows how to get things built and built under budget.

Jack, a dedicated Christian, is on the board of John 3:16 Mission. He has run a clean and honest campaign but that isn’t true of the other side.

Politics is a dirty business. Politicians who run an honest campaign are penalized when their opponents lie about them.

Bob Jack’s opponents have tried to associate him with Nancy Pelosi (which is absurd), with backing voting by mail (also not true), for “ballot harvesting” (a lie) and other negative issues.

Jack’s opponent chose a campaign management company who is the source of these falsehoods. They produced a phony “newspaper” that they mailed that reinforced the lies and half-truths and they enlisted the help of disreputable GOP operatives and websites.

It has a been a “win at any cost” for their campaign.

Bob Jack, in contrast, has run on the issues and his reputation.

No politician is perfect but you have to question the character of someone who damages the truth to win a race.

The Tulsa Beacon endorses Bob Jack for Tulsa County Commissioner and urges you to vote for him on August 23.