The PetroTech technical-training program is designed to help fast-track a new career or expand a current career in the state’s largest industry and it is now being offered free thanks to funding from the people of Oklahoma Oil & Natural Gas. The program will start Fall 2022 and is available through Francis Tuttle and Tulsa Tech. The full certification takes ten to twelve months to complete.
The PetroTech program has new and existing classes that will provide skills identified as the most in-demand by industry experts. New mini-certifications as well as individual courses are also available for industry professionals looking to hone or expand their skills. Mini-certifications include Data Analyst Certification, Land Tech Certification, Geology Tech Certification and Engineering Tech Certification.
“Oklahoma’s oil and natural gas industry is hiring,” said OERB Executive Director Mindy Stitt.
Visit Limited spots available and applications are due by August 19.
The OERB is funded by the more than 2,500 producers and thousands of royalty owners across Oklahoma through a voluntary one-tenth of 1 percent assessment on oil and natural gas production.