As Oklahoma high school students return to the classroom this month, they will participate in an initiative helping them prepare for life after graduation. For the third consecutive year, all incoming freshmen in Oklahoma public schools will begin a four-year Individual Career Academic Planning (ICAP) process.

ICAP guides students through a variety of academic and career activities to create a roadmap for a student to use when navigating college, career or military plans after high school.

In ICAP’s first year, Oklahoma students participated in more than 10,000 courses related to Advanced Placement, career technology education, concurrent enrollment and internships/pre-apprenticeships. This number represents a 12 percent increase over prior years.

Marissa Lightsey, executive director of college and career readiness for the Oklahoma State Department of Education, said the ICAP process engages students and helps them to understand their interests, strengths and learning styles. She added that school districts have created partnerships with businesses, CareerTech centers and universities to provide accelerated career pathways for students. “ICAP helps students and their families learn about career development opportunities and helps them understand the education and training required for students to meet their personal career goals,” Lightsey said.

A 2021 survey of Oklahoma high school educators showed that more than 90 percent of educators felt ICAP had a positive effect on a student’s hope for their future.

Lyndsay Watts, ICAP Coordinator at Enid High School, said she enjoys helping students learn about different careers.

“I love getting to research with them when they come across a career they have never heard of,” she said. “Many of them adjust their plans as we research more in depth within each career cluster.”

Jessi Masterson, exploration coach in the Center for Major and Career Exploration at the University of Oklahoma, said she is excited about the growth of ICAP in Oklahoma.

“ICAP is creating a space for students to understand their interests, connect to careers and have affirming experiences with those careers,” Masterson said. “It makes them ready to make more confident decisions.”

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