School is back in session and controversy abounds all over the nation.
In Oklahoma, Tulsa Public Schools has been sanctioned for teaching Critical Race Theory, which is against state law. CRT is a Marxist philosophy that blames white people for oppressing minorities.
In that system, white students are told they are to blame for “inequity” just because of the color of their skin.
An elite all-girls school, Harpeth Hall, in Nashville, Tennessee, sent an email to parents with a new “Gender Diversity Philosophy.” It lets a boy who “identifies as a girl” to apply. Members of the local community were outraged and the policy was put on hold.
Tulsa Superintendent Deborah Gist came under fire when it was discovered that TPS libraries had pornographic books on their shelves. Two books, Gender Queer and Flamer, “contain sexually explicit and pornographic content.”
After more “true science” has been revealed about the ineffectiveness and medical dangers associated with “vaccinations” for the Chinese coronarvirus, some colleges and universities are relaxing their requirement that student, faculty and staff be vaccination or be fire or kicked out.
And to top it off, Oklahoma public school students, under the direction of State Superintendent Joy Hofmeister, have declining academic scores in several areas.
Oklahoma public schools are getting more funding and producing declining results. This has led to a rise in homeschooling, charter schools, private schools and Christian schools.
School used to be a safe place to learn how to be decent, productive adults. That has changed.