SAND SPRINGS, OK— Orvel and Virginia Sherrill, residents of Legend Senior Living’s Green Tree Assisted Living residence in Sand Springs, Oklahoma have been named the nation’s Longest Married Couple. Worldwide Marriage Encounter(WWME), a national faith-based marriage enrichment program, determined the winners.
The Sherrills have been married 80 years. There was a celebration for them at the Green Tree residence on Friday, October 21, 2022, at 1pm.“What a privilege and honor it is to recognize Orvel & Virginia for their commitment to marriage,” said Tony & Sue Morris and Fr. Tom Ogg, the United States Ecclesial Team for WWME, in making the announcement. The WWME team was on hand at the Green Tree celebration to make the presentation.
“We’re so proud to have Orvel and Virginia as residents at Green Tree,” said Arvella McCollom, Residence Director at Green Tree. We’re excited to celebrate this beloved couple.
”The Sherrills fell in love as World War II raged, and they were married on July 3, 1942. Orvel went on to serve in Army Air Corps as a tail gunner in a B-26 during the war. Virginia was mother to three children and cooked for churches, schools and the Sinclair Oil Company.
After Orvel’s retirement as Superintendent of Transport-ation for the Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO), they traveled to several states, including Alaska, to build churches, paying their own way to provide this ministry.
They are grandparents to seven grandchildren, fourteen great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren. The Oklahoma couple achieved the honor of being the National Longest Married Couple based on nominations submitted to Worldwide Marriage Encounter.
WWME created the project to highlight marriage in America and “to show young couples that marriage really can go the distance.”Nominations were received from 24 states.
“The Sherrills are a living testament to the power of love, dedication and faith,” added McCollom. “Theirs is a history that deserves to be celebrated nationally.”