The Sooners led off the game scoring in the first inning with a three run home run by Dakota Harris driving home Anthony Mackenzie and Bryce Madron.
The Cowboys came right back with 5 runs in the first to lead 5-3.
Two runs were scored off a double by Nolan Schubart, another off a sacrifice fly by David Mendman and a bases loaded walk before the inning ended.
Although the Sooners scored one in the top of the second inning with Madron hitting a sacrifice fly to bring home Wallace Clark, the Cowboys came back with a RBI double by Adkison and a two run homer from Tyler Wulfert in the bottom.
Adkison earned a second RBI double in the fourth inning, and there were two solo home runs scored in the fifth. One Sooner home run by Madron going 446 feet, and a Cowboy home run by Colin Brueggeman brought the score to 10-5 at the end of the fifth.
The Cowboys scored with another solo homer from Mendham in the sixth.
In the seventh inning the Sooners rallied with three runs, two from a RBI single by Diego Muniz and another added by the bases loaded walk of Jackson Nicklaus. The Cowboys came back with a solo homer from Roc Riggio.
The eighth inning was a turning point with OU threatening to score with bases loaded ended with a strikeout. The Cowboys then racked up 7 points in the bottom half and never looked back. The Cowboys had scored with three different RBI doubles: Mendham hit a three RBI-double, Riggio a two-RBI double and Marcus Brown hit a one-RBI double.
OSU coach Josh Holliday has won 30 games against OU, with a record of 30-11 in 11 seasons as head coach.
The winning pitcher was Evan O’Toole, with a save by Isaac Stebens and a loss for Gray Harrison.