As Christians we acknowledge God and view His creation as wonderful, which is why children are considered Precious. Yet Liberals admit to being total Heathens who view every aspect of society From a demented “sexorgy Perspective”, so when these “Sick Minded” Individuals exploit children on Television Commercials it comes across as “creepy”. Because there is no moral or even Logical Basis behind whatever Image it is that they are trying to promote. If God Fearing People view children as “Innocent” in a wholesome sore of way similar to that of “Baby Kittens” or “Newborn Puppies” That is Normal. Yet if a Godless subset of Moral Heathens Places Children on some sore of pedestal then it beings into question what the motivation is behind such activity. At best the Elites who control Television are simply slimebags trying to make a Buck, At worst these weirdos are actual Pediphiles (sic) who get their kicks by watching kids be turned out into a depraved world of sin! Yet Whichever the case may be it’s as if all liberals Huddle together like cockroach’s under a defensive cover of silence, ad this makes it difficult for the common citizens of society to determine Just how bad of a cesspool we as a Nation are living amongst. Everything that occurs within the confines of an Industrial setting has been planned in a calculated Manner, so Rather than viewing such topics as “Partisan Issues”. It should disturb any Human Being who has a conscience That Children young enough to appear in diaper commercials are Being Forced by Adults to wear “Heavy Eye Makeup” and pose in Physical stances that only “strippers” were familiar with less than a decade ago! The word of God states that only He knows at what hour His Return will occur. But I for One will be Glad when that date arrives, Because There will be no Room in His Kingdom For any demonically Possessed Creatures who Prey on children.
Editorial: Creepy Television Commercials
Tulsa Beacon