No matter how phrased, killing a child is murder. Whether you are pro-abortion or anti-abortion, to kill a newly born child is murder. Most everyone recognizes that postpartum the child is living human being and makes us wonder who has this authority and how far does it extend.  In all honesty, we know human life starts when the egg is fertilized by the male sperm. Growth starts immediately and rapidly. Within the first 28 days

“The baby’s muscles are developing. Her arm and leg buds are visible, and her first neocortical the baby muscle cells appear. The neocortex is the seat of complex thinking and reasoning, and it is present in no other mammal. The preborn child has grown in size by a factor of 10,000 since fertilization. Blood flows in the baby’s own veins, separate from her mother’s blood.” (Human Life International)

To propose the fetus is a blob, not a human being and can be removed as waste matter is a deceitful position. Within days the senses are developing and the baby is quickly becoming a fully developed human being. The child is not the mother. It is a separate human being with its own DNA, and grows in the mother’s womb until birth. From the time of fertilization, the child grows rapidly, developing all the elements essential for human life. To kill that fetus is the murder of a child, who is an American citizen totally protected by our constitution.

If the government can approve killing a baby, where does this authority end?  Today, abortions kill millions of babies for reasons like: the mother doesn’t want it; the mother is in her teens and  too young to have a child; giving birth interferes with work or social activities; and often to sell the baby parts. The child is not the mother. It is a separate human being with it’s own DNA, and grows in the mother’s womb until it is born.

An major concern is: Where does the government authority end? Can the government dispose of the elderly because they are no longer  materially productive; veterans who are so badly injured they are unable to function normally; and people with physical or mental problems that require special assistance and thought to be a burden to society? The authority that allows the killing a fetus can lead to killing for other reasons deemed adverse to social norms. This is a serious concern and deserves thoughtful consideration which should also involve the intervention of God with prayers asking for the introduction of values the Creator places on all life.