OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma House Republicans this week elected their new caucus leadership for the upcoming 60th Legislature. The 81 Republicans maintain their supermajority in the House.
Newly elected caucus leadership includes:
- Rep. Stan May, R-Broken Arrow, as Caucus Chair
- Rep. Nick Archer, R-Elk City, as Caucus Vice Chair
- Rep. Josh Cantrell, R-Kingston, as Caucus Secretary
“I am honored to have been elected by my colleagues to serve for a second term,” May said. “I look forward to working with our new legislative leaders on pressing issues such as economic development, educational improvements and public safety.”
This is May’s second term as Caucus Chair and fourth term in office. During the previous Legislature, May also served as vice chair of the House Appropriations & Budget Subcommittee on Judiciary.
“I am grateful to have the opportunity to serve the House Republican Caucus, my district and the people of Oklahoma,” Archer said. “I look forward to working with my colleagues toward a shared vision and dedication to the conservative principles Oklahomans value.”
Archer, a second-term legislator, served as vice chair of the House General Government Committee as a freshman lawmaker. Before being elected to the House, he served two terms as mayor of Elk City.
“I appreciate the trust placed in me to serve in this role,” Cantrell said. “The House is in an excellent position to address critical issues facing our state, and I am optimistic about the future of our caucus, our state and our country.”
Cantrell, also a second-term legislator, previously served as Marshall County Commissioner for District 2. During the previous Legislature, he was vice chair of the County and Municipal Government Committee.
Archer and Cantrell succeed Rep. Danny Williams, R-Seminole, and Rep. Sherrie Conley, R-Newcastle, in their respective positions.
Representatives were officially sworn in on Wed., Nov. 20. The full House will formally vote on its next Speaker and Speaker Pro Tempore during Organizational Day on Jan. 7, 2025. The first session of the 60th Legislature convenes on Feb. 3.