The following is a previously published column.
There are a plethora of reasons why no one should vote for Michael Bloomberg, the former New York mayor who is running for the Democrat nomination for president.
Bill Donohue, on, chronicled a host of policy reasons and personal criteria that should disqualify Bloomberg from getting the nomination, much less the vote in general election. Donohue is the president and CEO of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights.
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani deserves the credit for cleaning up New York City after the disastrous administration of Mayor David Dinkins. To his credit, Bloomberg, who followed Giuliani, didn’t undo Giuliani’s reforms.
In 2007, Bloomberg dropped his Republican Party affiliation and now he is running as a Democrat. He has a reputation as a fiscal conservative but he is ultra-liberal on social issues.
And when it comes to abortion and freedom of religion – Bloomberg may have the absolute worst record of any of the Democrats running.
And that is saying a lot.
When running for mayor the first time in 2001, Bloomberg pledged he would force every obstetrician or gynecologist in a city hospital to learn how to perform an abortion. Under pressure from NARAL, he issued that executive order.
Later, he backed off and allowed moral and religious exceptions.
In 2012, Bloomberg was so mad about the Susan G. Komen Foundation ending their funding for Planned Parenthood that he personally donated $250,000 to Planned Parenthood – the biggest abortion provider in the nation. The foundation changed its policy after three days of pushback.
Bloomberg directed about $15 million from a civic facility revenue bond to fund renovation of a building that housed Planned Parenthood.
In 2005, he pressured the Irish Catholics when he insisted on marching in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. He wanted to be in the parade so he could force the Catholics to let homosexuals march, too.
Bloomberg prohibited an inner-city Christian church from holding services in a public school on Sundays even though courts have always allowed that usage. Bloomberg lost his case in federal district court in 2005.
In 2007, a midtown hotel in New York wanted to display an anatomically correct chocolate statue of Jesus during Holy Week. The Catholic League came unglued over this insult to Jesus Christ and public opinion forced the hotel to remove the exhibit. Bloomberg refused to condemn the display and just said that people should ignore it.
When the Empire State Building refused to light up the building in blue and white in 2010 to honor the centenary of Mother Teresa’s birthday, the Catholic League gathered more than 3,500 protesters in the street in front of the Empire State Building. The owner of the building had previously recognized the 60th anniversary of the communist takeover of China.
Bloomberg refused to get involved.
In 2011, Bloomberg signed off on the banning of holiday displays in the Staten Island Ferry Terminals. Nativity scenes and menorahs were banned and so were Christmas trees.
On the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Bloomberg banned the clergy – from all religions – from participating in the ceremonies. No minister, priest, rabbi or even imam were allowed to speak. Bloomberg was quoted as saying that “government shouldn’t be forcing” religion “down people’s throats.”
Bloomberg’s holds the idea of “separation of church and state” – which isn’t in the Constitution. He mandated a gag rule on religious speech but went on the record promoting the building of a mosque near Ground Zero. Islamic terrorists were the ones who attacked the Twin Towers.
Bloomberg backed the American Atheists who sued New York City over two steel beams shaped like a cross that were found in the debris of the Twin Towers attack. The atheists complained when the cross was moved from St. Peter’s Catholic Church to its new home at the 9/11 Memorial.
Bloomberg’s policies on abortion and religious liberty are not known to most Americans. Now that he has set his sights on the White House, it is time his sordid legacy is more widely known.
He supports homosexual marriage and criticized the nomination of Chief Justice John Roberts to the U.S. Supreme Court. Bloomberg supports illegal immigration. He banned trans fats in restaurants in New York City. He is against the gun rights in the Second Amendment and he founded “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” – an ultra-liberal gun-control group.
Bloomberg has promoted providing girls 14-years-old and older with chemical abortion without parental consent. He helped a law that limited circumcision among Orthodox Jews.
Bloomberg directed the New York City Board of Health to ban the sale of many sweetened drinks in amounts greater than 16 ounces. The ban was later struck down.
Bloomberg is one of the richest people in the world, with a net worth of about $17 billion. If he didn’t have so much money, he wouldn’t be running.
Bloomberg is another old (77) white male Democrat with a lot of money who wants to be president so he can control the lives of others.
Here’s hoping even the Democrats will reject this dangerous billionaire.
Funny stuff…
– It’s hard to tell if people are really interested in joining my Sarcasm Club or not.
– Dad: “Son, I don’t think you are cut out to be a mime.”
Son: “Was it something I said?”
– I am going to donate my body to science to make my Dad happy. He always wanted me to go to medical school.
– I’d like to share some chimney jokes – I’ve got a stack of them. The first one is on the house.
– I called AT&T and said, “I want to report a nuisance caller.”
The operator said, “Oh no, not you again.”
– The easiest way to add insult to injury is when you are signing someone’s cast.
– My Dad always knew I was going to be a comedian.
When I was born, he asked, “Is this a joke?”
– My Grandfather invented a cold-air balloon but it never really took off.
– I have kleptomania. When it gets really bad, I take something for it.
– If you don’t know what introspection is, you need to take a long, hard look at yourself.
– I meet my wife for lunch at 12:59 because I like that one-to-one time.
– When I was a kid, I was made to walk the plank. We couldn’t afford a dog.
– Crime is up in high-rise parking garages.
That is wrong on so many levels.
– My New Year’s resolution is to get in shape.
I choose round.
– Exit signs? Ha!
They’re on their way out.
– My Dad used to say, “Fight fire with fire.” That’s why he left the Fire Department.
– How come Miss Universe is only won by people from Earth?
– Whoever said “nothing is impossible” never tried nailing jelly to a tree.
– Hedgehogs: Why can’t they just share the hedge?
– Rice is great when you are hungry and want 2,000 of something.