Astronaut Fred Haise at Tulsa Air & Space

Museum for 55th Flight Anniversary of Apollo 13

TULSA, Okla. – The Tulsa Air and Space Museum will host a luncheon event that includes book signing, panel discussion and group photo Saturday, April 12, 2025.

Special guests are Astronaut Fred Haise, Flight Director Gerry Griffin, as well as John Aaron (EECOM), Bill Peters (TELMU), Jim Kelly (Electrical Power Systems Specialist), Bill Reeves (LM EPS), Tom Hanchett (INCO), and Dee O’Hara (NASA’s First Aerospace Nurse).   Doors will open at 11 a.m., with lunch served at 12 p.m.

A panel discussion will be moderated by space historian, and author, Bill Moore.  The panel discussion will revisit the Apollo 13 mission and the incredible series of events that rescued Fred and his two fellow astronauts from peril.  The famous call from space, ‘Houston, we have a problem” experience that happened 55 years ago brought about some of the most memorable decisions from the mission control team.

Autographs, photos and book signings available with opportunity to speak to these American heroes.

Special guest, Fred Haise, attended the University of Oklahoma and served in the Oklahoma Air National Guard before entering the NASA Astronaut corps in the 1960’s.

Apollo 13 – 55th Anniversary Celebration