U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is not slow to lie in order to advance her career.

Raised in Oklahoma, Warren recently announced that she had taken a DNA test that showed she had “Cherokee heritage.”

She doesn’t.

The amount of DNA in her results is negligible.

But Warren is running for the Democrat nomination for president in 2020 and she needs every advantage – real or made up – that she can get. Like Hillary Clinton, Warren will demand that it’s time for America to elect a woman. And lying about being a Native American would make her a “double minority.” She would be the first woman president and the first Native American president.

This DNA result was such a big lie that even the liberal national media didn’t accept it. President Trump ridiculed her assertion and has nicknamed her “Pocahontas.” Warren might have had an Indian ancestor perhaps 10 generations ago but that could be true of almost anyone. That miniscule connect does not make you a Cherokee.

It was so bad that Warren privately reached out to the leaders of the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma to apologize about her lying.

This isn’t the first time she has lied about being having Indian blood. She also lied about it to advance her academic career.

There are a host of policy reasons (Warren is an outspoken socialist) why no one should vote for this Massachusetts Democrat.

A lack of honesty and integrity should top the list.