Chris Bliss, executive director of the organization MyBillofRights.Org will speak to the Republican Women’s Club of Tulsa luncheon at 11:30 a.m. September 11 at the Crown Plaza Hotel, 81st Street and Lewis Avenue.

Bliss is on a mission to help raise awareness of American’s freedoms and individual rights as written in the Bill of Rights.  Bliss grew up in Washington, D.C., where his father was an attorney.  Bliss attended college at North Western University and University of Oregon.  He dropped out to pursue a career in juggling. He juggles to fast-paced music with choreographed moves.  He is also a stand-up comedian.

The Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution. They are written individual rights, liberties and personal freedoms of the people passed on to the next generation.  Bliss thinks the monument connects generations by educating others about our values; especially young people.

Bliss started the nonprofit My and was granted 501(C)3 status in 2006. His goal is to place a monument at every state capitol in the United States. The Bill of Rights monument project will cost about $850,000.  In 2016, the project passed the Oklahoma Legislature and was signed by Governor Mary Fallin to authorize private funding of the Bill of Rights Monument in Oklahoma.  Former Rep. Gary Banz is on the committee to raise money and about $35,000 has been raised.   The monument will be located near the Christ thorn tree at the east entrance to the Oklahoma Capitol.

Lunch is $20 for members and $22 for nonmembers. To make a reservation, call  918-445-1414.