Education, health care and mental health services, criminal justice policies, and retirement issues are among the topics approved for interim studies in the Oklahoma Senate.

The Senate President Pro Tempore’s Office released the list of 72 interim studies.

The members of the Oklahoma Senate use interim studies to take a more in-depth look at and hear from subject-matter experts about potential legislation and policies on a variety of topics. Interim studies are assigned to the Senate committee with jurisdiction over the subject matter contained within the request.

Committee chairs are responsible for scheduling meetings for interim studies. All interim studies must be completed by November 8. Meeting notices will be posted on the Senate website (

Here are interim studies led by Tulsa area lawmakers.

Agriculture and Wildlife Committee

  • Senator Kevin Matthews, D-Tulsa, a study of urban agriculture.

Appropriations Committee

  • Senator Allison Ikley-Freeman, D-Tulsa, a study of disaster response funding protocols.
  • Senator Dave Rader, R-Tulsa, a study on digital service.

Business, Commerce and Tourism Committee

  • Senator Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, a study on blockchain, virtual currencies, and potential implementation in Oklahoma.
  • Senator Matthews, a study on reducing poverty by increasing home ownership and entrepreneurship opportunities.

Education Committee

  • Senator Ikley-Freeman, a study of school policies on seclusion and restraint.
  • Senator Gary Stanislawski, R-Tulsa, a study on House Bill 1017 school mandates.
  • Senator Stanislawski, a study on the common education building equalization fund.
  • Senator Stanislawski, a study on personalized learning.

 Finance Committee

  • Senator Matthews, a study on accessing community reinvestment act funds.

General Government Committee

  • Senator Joe Newhouse, R-Broken Arrow, a study of municipal regulation of aesthetic design elements in residential construction.

Health and Human Services Committee

  • Senator John Haste, R-Broken Arrow, a study of the Safe Babies Court Team program.
  • Senator Ikley-Freeman, a study on youth access to mental health programs
  • Senator Ikley-Freeman, a study on child care deserts.
  • Senator Greg McCortney, R-Ada, a study on raising the smoking age to 21.

Public Safety Committee

  • Senator Marty Quinn, R-Claremore, a study on driver’s license testing.