The federal budget is out of control.

Actually, there is no federal budget but just a series of “continuing resolutions” that contribute trillions of dollars to the national debt without any accountability.

To his credit, Sen. James Lankford, R-Oklahoma, introduced the Prevent Government Shutdowns Act. Part of the reason that President Trump and the Republicans compromise on overspending is due to the threat of a partial government shutdown. The liberal news media creates a firestorm against Republicans anytime a fiscal deadline approaches and the GOP always caves in to the Democrats.

That’s what happens in the “Swamp.”

Lankford’s bill is simple. If all appropriations bills are not passed by both houses and signed by the President by October 1, no official travel will be allowed for Office of Management and Budget (OMB) leadership or staff, Cabinet members, or senators and representatives along with their committee and personal staffs (except for official travel within the DC metro area).

“I believe the real way to punish Washington dysfunction is to prevent Congress, the White House, and relevant staff from leaving until the job is done,” Lankford said. “Preventing travel and holding mandatory roll call votes ensures the negotiators remain at the table until the job is done, while the automatic funding mechanism ensures federal employees are paid and prevents the waste of tax dollars that comes from shutting down and re-opening the government.”

It’s a novel idea but it has no real traction. It’s just too easy to spend someone else’s money and it is way too easy just to print more.

Our children and grandchildren will pay for our fiscal irresponsibility.