Elizabeth Warren wrote an article for Time Magazine celebrating the 45th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade.  In that January 21, 2018 article, Elizabeth Warren made this statement: “Thanks to Roe v. Wade, abortion is now safer than getting your tonsils out.  A lot of women are alive today because of Roe.”

In the article, Warren said, “Access to safe abortion services has changed the economic futures of millions of women.”  She then went on to explain the expense of raising a child – what a cost burden that is to women – how a woman’s wage-earning capability suffers throughout their lives – and how an unexpected pregnancy can derail a woman’s most careful plans for financial independence.

Nowhere in the article did Elizabeth Warren express any concern whatsoever for the 61.5 million babies whose lives were snuffed-out because of Roe v. Wade.

What kind of people have we become to show such lack of respect for the sanctity of life?  And how can a person with such disrespect for the life of a little, innocent, unborn baby be held in such high esteem by Democrat voters?  If the president of the United States is unwilling to protect our unborn babies, how could we expect him/her to protect American citizens from enemies foreign and domestic?