China has been taking huge advantage over America for decades. Trade has been heavily tilted to favor the Chinese communist regime.
This was accelerated by the policies of former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama. Clinton opened the doors to promoting Chinese access to our technology and Obama took down barriers to Chinese trade. Former vice president Joe Biden, whose son has made millions from these policies, sees no economic (or military) threat from China.
President Donald Trump is changing that.
To restore balance in trade, Trump is imposing big tariffs on Chinese goods until the Chinese reform their policies. This has shocked the Chinese leaders who have had their way for years and years.
The Chinese have responded with their own tariffs and they have cleverly targeted American goods produced in states where Trump narrowly won in 2016.
In other words, China is trying to manipulate our 2020 election with trade policy to make Trump lose in 2020.
Yet, Democrats who falsely accused Russia of stealing the election from Hillary Clinton are strangely silent when it comes to this Chinese strategy to impact our presidential race.
China steals our intellectual property. China is the world’s biggest violator of human rights. China is aggressively threatening its neighbors who are our allies. China is using American trade revenues to build up its military, including research into military action in outer space.
If you don’t believe this, look at the rioting in Hong Kong over the lies and oppression coming from the Chinese government.
America needs strong leadership and that’s what we are getting from President Trump against China. Voters need to see through this Chinese election scheme.