It’s common sense that America has laws which prevent children from entering “adult only” establishments such as bars, liquor stores, casinos and strip clubs. Likewise, it is a crime to supply underage juveniles with alcohol or drugs. And everybody cringes at the idea of children growing up in a crack house.
Yet there seems to be a rainbow-colored elephant in the room that nobody is talking about. How on earth is it legal for little children to attend homosexual pride parades?
Those rallies are hyper-sexualized and often feature half-naked men dancing in drag just a few feet away from a “bounce house” full of toddlers who are jumping around.
Not only does sexual immorality turn people against God, it is also a known statistical fact that the gay lifestyle has many other self-destructive characteristics attached to it. Homosexuals are more likely to contract AIDs, engage in illicit drug use, experience domestic violence, suffer from mental illness and commit suicide than heterosexuals.
Allowing children to be sexually perverted by adults is only one step away from pedophilia. So, why aren’t LGBTQ predators in handcuffs?
(And isn’t it ironic that convicts in prison have better morals than the Tulsa mayor and city councilors?)