The Tulsa Fire Department is partnering with the Mental Health Association Oklahoma, St. John Medical Center, the Tulsa Health Department, and The Merchant to provide A Pop-Up Resource Clinic for Tulsans in need.
The Pop-Up Resource Clinic is a temporary workspace that connects Tulsa’s most vulnerable citizens and nearby residents with a multitude of resources including housing, identification, medical care and information about the Better Way program and employment resources. The Pop-Up Clinic started in late 2018 and is held monthly in identified areas within the city that are not located near services or resources. The next clinic is scheduled for October.
Michael Baker, Tulsa Fire Chief over EMS, said taking community resources into neighborhoods helps remove barriers to resources and helps build a healthier Tulsa.
“Tulsa Fire Stations are located throughout the city and firefighters often respond to emergencies involving one of Tulsa’s most vulnerable populations by providing medical care, extinguishing fires within improvised shelters, and much more,” Baker said. “Unfortunately, firefighters can only offer limited options to solve problems away from the support resources located closer to downtown. Simply deploying the right agencies goes a long way to meet the needs of Tulsans. Visitors speak one-on-one with agency specialists, enjoy a cup of coffee, or get a health check-up from the Mobile Medical Intervention Team’s Physician Assistant.”
The Pop-Up Resource Clinic is funded through a growing list of community partners.