The Tulsa Beacon publishes 51 weeks a year and skips a week between Christmas and New Year’s.
There is no paper on January 2.
The December 26th issue next week will be mailed to subscribers on Christmas Eve and will have a double portion of standard features (comics, puzzles, columns, etc.)
Because of the early mailing, the deadline for advertising and legal notices for the December 26th issue at the Tulsa County Courthouse is 3 p.m. on Friday, December 20. (Legal notices can be taken by email and fax as late as 5 p.m. on December 20th. The fax number is 918-523-4408. Email notices to [email protected].)
To leave a message for a story during the holiday, you can leave a message at 918-523-4425.
The Tulsa Beacon office will be closed from December 24th until Monday, January 6. Deadline for the January 9th issue are normal deadlines, Monday by noon to the courthouse box or by 5 p.m. fax or email.
There is no paper on Thursday, January 2.