On December 8, the congregation of First Baptist Church Broken Arrow voted to extend a call to Dr. Matt Brooks as the church’s new Senior Pastor.

Dr. Brooks comes to FBCBA from Prestonwood Baptist Church, a 53,000-member SBC church in North Dallas.

Dr. Matt Brooks served on the Pastoral and Preaching Team at Prestonwood Baptist Church, and as the Online Campus Pastor, oversaw one of the largest online campuses in the country with an average attendance of 18,000 plus people a weekend from all over the world.

Dr. Brooks and his wife Bren are native Oklahomans. They have five children: Major (9), Maggie (7), Gracie (5), Tate (3), and Aubrie (who is due in January.) 

“Bren and I are incredibly excited and tremendously grateful to God for the privilege of leading and shepherding FBCBA as their next senior pastor. Jesus loves Oklahoma, and we look forward to sharing and showing God’s love to all of Broken Arrow, Tulsa Metro, and the entire state,”  Brooks said.

Dr. Brooks has pastored dynamic growing churches in New Mexico, Alabama and Mississippi.

His first Sunday at FBCBA was January 5. He will be the 29th pastor in First Baptist’s 115-year history. 

He follows Dr. W.C. “Nick” Garland who is retiring after pastoring FBCBA for thirty-three years.