State Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax cautioned Oklahomans today about unapproved voter registration applications generated from a website called, but said a solution is in the works.

Under Oklahoma state law, only the official National Mail Voter Registration Application and the Oklahoma Voter Registration Application are accepted in this state.

“I have spoken with the director of I now believe the organization had good intentions and did not deliberately seek to provide Oklahomans with forms that are not valid under our law. Oklahoma election officials will work with to ensure that in the future any voter registration applications provided to Oklahomans are valid and approved for use in our state,” Ziriax said.

Oklahomans who submitted an unapproved application generated by to their County Election Board will be mailed a letter from the Secretary of the County Election Board explaining why the application was rejected, along with an official Oklahoma Voter Registration Application to ensure the citizens get registered to vote.

Voters who believe they submitted an unapproved form or need to register to vote can also download a valid application from the State Election Board website at

Voters with questions, should contact their County Election Board or the State Election Board at (405) 521-2391 or [email protected].