On  March 17, the Oklahoma Insurance Department (OID) issued a bulletin to all health insurance companies and health maintenance organizations to waive the costs of testing for COVID-19.

The bulletin requested the following immediate measures:

  • Waive all cost-sharing for COVID-19 testing including office visit or urgent care center cost-sharing. 
  • Waive all copays for telehealth services and reimburse the providers for the copay. 
  • Cannot cancel coverage for anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 for the next 90 days. 
  • Extend the normal 30-day grace period for non-payment of premiums to 60 days. 
  • Requirement for a receipt signature for prescription drugs is waived so that pharmacists can focus on healthcare. 
  • Immediately cease all PBM audits of pharmacies. 
  • 60-day supply may be filled for a 30-day prescription (excluding controlled substances). 
  • All restrictions on pharmacies doing mail orders are waived.