OKLAHOMA CITY – Since the first reports of patients testing positive for COVID-19 in Oklahoma, rumors about statewide lockdowns and the National Guard enforcing martial law have been circulating on social media sites.
Brig. Gen. Tommy Mancino, executive director of the Oklahoma Military Department and the Oklahoma National Guard assistant adjutant general (Army), said, some people get concerned when they see people in uniform with military vehicles moving through their communities, something he said is completely understandable.
“One of the things I really want to stress today, is that the Guard is here to help,” Mancino said. “Just like we’ve done many other times in the history of Oklahoma such as the Murrah Bombing and Moore tornadoes. Whenever Oklahomans need assistance, we are here for them and will continue to be here in the days ahead.”
One of the most circulated rumors is a message stating the Department of Homeland Security is positioning the National Guard and preparing to declare martial law across the country.
Mancio said despite the governor having the constitutional power to declare martial law, there has been no discussion of it in Oklahoma.
“Let’s have a candid discussion about martial law. Marital law is a thing; it exists within the constitutional powers granted to the governor, but our governor has made it very clear we are here to support the people and agencies of Oklahoma,” Mancino said. “There is absolutely no discussion of martial law in Oklahoma. We are hoping everyone pulls together as a community and that we all work together to solve this vital problem we face with this COVID-19 virus.”
The rumors of martial law, lockdowns and closing Oklahoma’s borders – all of which are untrue – are causing some people to become distressed.
In an effort to support a whole-of-Oklahoma-government response to the pandemic, the Oklahoma National Guard has activated its Joint Task Force at the Oklahoma National Guard Regional Training Institute in Oklahoma City. The Joint Task Force, made up of members of both the Oklahoma Army and Air National Guard, is laying the ground work for possible support missions Oklahoma Guardsmen may be called to perform, said Mancino,.
“Our guardsmen are planning ahead for future operations we are anticipating the Governor may request of us through the lead agency – the Oklahoma State Department of Health,” Mancino said. “This planning will ensure when we execute those missions that they are done in the most efficient, timely and best way possible.”
Mancino, speaking from the JTF’s operations center in Oklahoma City said the Oklahoma National Guard Joint Task Force is just one part of a larger response by the State of Oklahoma.
“Currently, the governor is making this an all-state response effort. Literally every agency in Oklahoma is contributing to this response,” Mancino said. “The Oklahoma National Guard is in support of the lead agency, the Oklahoma State Department of Health.”
Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter gave an explanation of how law enforcement will approach enforcement of the order issued March 24. Hunter said. “What we are calling on more than anything, is for Oklahomans to be good citizens, good neighbors and comply with the governor’s executive order, as well as the ordinances of local governments, to protect one another from this deadly illness.
“While a violation of an executive order can be a misdemeanor, law enforcement officers are counseled to inform and persuade to effect compliance when confronted with violations, emphasizing the gravity of the ongoing public health emergency we are experiencing.
“This is not intended to undercut law enforcement’s ability to make decisions based on their training, discretion and the facts of any given situation. Rather, this statement is provided to support and enable law enforcement to make sound, fact based decisions given the circumstances while appropriately balancing the interests of public safety and public health.
“We are in an unprecedented time. The coronavirus has and will continue to cause profound disruptions in everyone’s lives and livelihoods and we are all painfully aware of those who have become ill or tragically, have died. But rest assured, by following the advice of our state, municipal, county and federal leaders, and complying with the measures laid out in the governor’s executive order, we will save lives.”
Mancino said the Oklahoma National Guard stands ready to help anywhere the Governor directs the citizen-soldiers and Airmen. As an example of the many ways the Oklahoma National Guard can support partner agencies, Mancino said the Guard can provide soldiers to deliver critically needed medical supplies.
“One of the things I’ve told my Guardsmen is when you’re at home to ‘flatten the curve,’ you see a dotted line [on the graph] and that dotted line represents the health care personnel here in Oklahoma, and I’ve told them our number one job is to support that line. We are going to do everything we can to help the real heroes: our health care workers.”
One of the many tasks that goes into assisting the all-state COVID-19 response is ensuring the Oklahoma National Guard has the ability to also respond to multiple potential natural disasters.