State Reps. Ross Ford and Stan May, both R-Broken Arrow, are asking state, county and municipal governments to cover public safety officers that contract COVID-19 in the same manner as a line-of-duty injury.
“Any public safety officer that contracts this illness should have it treated as a presumptive line-of-duty injury the same as any other injury,” the lawmakers said in a joint statement.
Ford, a former police officer, and May, a firefighter, said they’ve been contacted by many first responders who are serving the public each day but putting themselves and their family members at risk of catching the fast-spreading and sometimes fatal virus.
Gov. Stitt’s gave a recent executive order that requires guaranteed paid time off for any first responders, including correctional officers, law enforcement or fire personnel, that contract COVID-19, but they want the benefit extended to line-of-duty injury pay.
Brandon Tener, Fraternal Order of Police president of Lodge No. 170 in Broken Arrow, said, “Understanding the dangers associated with the occupation of policing in these unprecedented times, it is important to develop and implement policy regarding on-duty communicable disease exposure.”
John Cockrell, president of Broken Arrow Firefighters IAFF Local 2551 said, “Public safety is an inherently dangerous job that we all willingly accept. Treating an illness as a result of this pandemic as any other line-of-duty injury is the right thing to do.”