Beginning last Friday, Gov. Kevin Stitt began his plan to re-open Oklahoma’s economy and recover from the Chinese coronavirus situation.

“From the beginning it has been my intent to protect the health and lives of Oklahomans, especially our vulnerable populations, and mitigate the impact to Oklahoma’s economy and get Oklahomans safely back to work,” said Stitt. “We have put together a group of industry professionals from across our state, and they have been working with my Governor’s Solution Task Force and our health advisors to develop a way to get back open safely.”

Stitt said his plan follows White House guidelines that point to a phased opening because of a downward slope of the disease in Oklahoma.

Under the first part Stitt’s plan, that began Friday:

  • More employees can return to work.
  • Barber shops, hair salons, spas, nail salons and pet groomers can re-open. They need to ask customers to wait in their car until their appointment time.
  • State parks and outdoor recreation areas can re-open.
  • Grocery stores are asked to keep special hours for seniors and those with medical conditions.
  • Restaurants can re-open dining rooms  and movie theaters, gyms and sporting venues can re-open with proper sanitation and social distancing.
  • Churches can re-open on May 1 for worship and it is suggested they leave every other pew or row open.
  • Tattoo parlors can re-open for appointments only.
  • Visits to hospitals and senior living centers are prohibited. Bars, schools, sporting events  and camps should stay closed.

Phase 2 will begin 14 days later unless the coronavirus situation worsens.

Phase 2 includes:

  • Elderly and vulnerable people should continue to stay at home.
  • Everyone should maintain social distancing in public.
  • Non-essential travel can resume.
  • Employers should still keep common areas closed.
  • Organized sports can continue.
  • Bars can re-open with diminished standing-room occupancy.
  • Funerals and weddings can resume with social distancing.
  • Church nurseries can re-open.