The City of Tulsa is expecting a $13 million-plus shortfall in revenue in the next fiscal year. That’s a 5% decrease in the general funds.

Some city employees will be furloughed for four hours every Friday afternoon from May 8 to December 18. If holiday falls on a Friday, the furlough will be on Thursday.

Low oil prices and the coronavirus are impacting the city’s sales tax revenues.  The furlough will result in 10% weekly pay cuts and $4 million in savings. The rest of the shortfall will be made up with the City’s Rainy Day Fund. Exceptions to the furlough will be police, fire, 911, and water, sewer, stormwater and refuse utility employees.

During the furlough, City Hall and some other City facilities will be closed on Friday afternoons. Calls to Utilities Customer Care will be answered from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Fridays and calls to Tulsa 311 will be answered from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Fridays. Municipal Court will close at noon on Fridays.

The Animal Welfare Shelter at 3031 N. Erie Ave. will be open on Fridays during the furlough period but closed on Wednesdays – May 6 through Dec. 16. Animal adoptions and drop-offs are currently by appointment only.

Refuse, recycling, and bulky waste service will continue uninterrupted during the Friday furloughs. The city’s mulch site at 2100 N. 145th East Ave. also will be open for its regular schedule during the furlough – 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. seven days a week.

Tulsa Parks playgrounds, recreation centers, pools, splash pads and day camps will remain closed indefinitely.

City-owned sport courts, golf courses, pickleball, sports fields and dog parks are open with physical distancing and sanitation precautions.

City-owned sports complexes and organized sports activities with more than 10 people shall remain closed through June 1.

Mohawk Park Golf Course and Page Belcher Golf Course will remain open on Friday afternoons during the furlough.

Although the Oxley Nature Center trails are open, the Oxley visitor center is currently closed, and it will be closed on Fridays during the furlough. Redbud Valley Nature Preserve is currently closed and will be closed on Fridays during the furlough.