Until 2020, Hillary Clinton was absolutely the worst presidential candidate ever nominated by the Democrat Party.

Now that honor goes to Joe Biden.

While griping about a “lack of leadership,” Biden’s personal response to the coronavirus is to hide in his basement. This is a parallel to former President Jimmy Carter who hid in the White House Rose Garden during the Iranian hostage crisis in 1980.

Biden is not fit for the job. He looks terrible. He can’t make a speech without a serious gaffe. His memory fails him.

And worst of all, he is pandering to the leftists that now dominate the national Democrat Party. They are power-hungry secularists who want to erase American culture and replace it with soviet-style socialism.

And Biden, with a big, dumb smile on his face, won’t disagree with them.

There are so many reasons to not vote for Joe Biden.

First, he has pledged to name a woman as his running mate. Instead of picking the best candidate, Biden is bowing to identity politics. He has backed himself into a corner and he might have to pick a minority woman to placate the radicals.

Secondly, Biden has already said he won’t run for a second term. That de facto makes him an instant lame duck. In fact, his health and judgment is so deteriorating, that he might not make it through a four-year term without retiring, being removed or expiring.

So, a vote for Biden is a vote for a woman chosen because of her gender and race rather than the ability to lead the nation.

Has there ever been a worse candidate than Joe Biden?