In an ongoing effort to damage the U.S. economy and President Trump’s re-election bid, the liberal news media is downplaying the June employment report.
The American economy added 7.8 to 8.8 million new jobs in May and June. That is an historic record. Those numbers have never happened in our country.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the unemployment rate went down to 11.1%.
That’s great news unless you hate America and despise President Trump.
And the number of Americans returning to the civilian labor force following the Chinese coronavirus pandemic shutdowns continues to grow.
The labor market hit its bottom in April, the same month the estimated number of new cases daily was peaking at about 250,000 on March 29. It’s down to an estimated 70,000 new cases a day across the nation now.
Trump’s Payroll Protection Plan – a move so helpful that even the House Democrats couldn’t stop it – is paying dividends in the nation’s economic recovery.
Most states are easing restrictions. Some are seeing a spike and edging more toward lockdowns but the overall trend for the economy is upward. America could soon return to the economic boon that Trump helped create prior to the pandemic.
President Trump has faith in the American people and our economy. He skillfully articulated the need to restart business after we “flattened the curve” by preparing hospital space for the worst cases.
Americans are anxious to get back to work.
It’s too bad that the “fake news” media can’t report anything that casts President Trump in a good light.