Mayor G.T. Bynum and all nine city councilors think that practicing homosexuality is an acceptable lifestyle.
Some of the councilors go to church but apparently they don’t read the Bible or they just pick and choose the parts they like.
Several of the councilors marched in the “gay pride parade” and most showed up when Bynum proudly changed the name of a street Downtown to “Pride Street.”
There is nothing to be proud of when you are promoting a lifestyle that is condemned in the Old and New Testaments and that has been rejected by all major religions for centuries.
Now, the Council and the mayor passed and signed a new ordinance against “hate crimes.”
What is a hate crime? Can someone assault someone else and not have hate in their intent? Doesn’t our legal system punish actions rather than intent? How can you prove in municipal court that someone hated you when they committed a crime? Is it possible to commit a hate crime against a straight white male? Could a victim who is straight claim to be a homosexual to increase punishment against a criminal?
It’s ironic that when politicians like the mayor and city councilors clamor for release of “non-violent prisoners” and the end of bail that they are adding a new element and more punishment to the criminal code.
They answer is that traditional morality is missing from these councilors and mayors.
Everyone deserves equal treatment under the law – regardless of their sexual proclivities. But when a city embraces the Homosexual Agenda like Tulsa is doing, judgment is not far behind.