The liberal teacher’s union and their minions can’t abide a conservative Christian who believes parents should decide how their children are educated.
This month, Gov. Kevin Stitt dumped Oklahoma Board of Education member Kurt Bollenback and appointed Melissa Crabtree as his replacement.
That set off a firestorm of protest.
Crabtree is a former public school teacher, who taught in the inner city and in rural schools, and who has 14 years as a homeschool teacher. The Oklahoma Education Association, perhaps the most powerful lobby in state government, will not tolerate someone who is totally committed to funding public education and who despises charter schools, private schools and above all else, home schooling. Her other “sin” was starting a group to fight a mask mandate in her hometown of Enid.
Democrats and liberal Republicans in the Legislature blew up when they found out about her nomination.
She gracefully withdrew because she is not a troublemaker.
“Ms. Crabtree is a loving mother and wife, and her public school teaching experience and work with special needs children would have been valuable assets to our state,” Stitt said. “However, it’s become clear that Democrats and unions only value the voices of teachers when they are willing to fall in line with their political agendas.”
Now Stitt will find another nominee.
This situation is indicative of why public schools are declining in Oklahoma. Ultra-liberal leadership in an otherwise conservative state is damaging the education of our children.
Here’s hoping Stitt can come up with replacement who values the core ideals of Oklahomans apart from the ruling education elites.