Major League Baseball has decided to punish the State of Georgia because of new laws they put in place to make sure that only legal voters can vote.

MLB will not hold its All Star Game in Georgia and will relocate the draft, which was supposed to be in Georgia.

The powers behind MLB apparently want anyone who shows up to vote to be able to cast a ballot without proving that they are registered, that they are a citizen or that they haven’t already voted in another polling place.

President Joe Biden applauded the boycott.

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, criticized Biden and Major League Baseball for their hypocrisy. They asked Biden if that hard stance will be extended to the Chinese Communist regime.

Rubio said recent reports that the baseball organization had extended its agreement with Chinese-owned Tencent to stream games into China — which has cracked down on pro-democracy protests and persecuted Christian home churches.  In 2017, MLB announced a 10-year relationship with Chinese state-owned Beijing Enterprises Real-Estate Group Ltd.

The law places new restrictions on voting by mail, adds voter ID requirements and sets limits on the number of drop box locations and operating hours. It cuts down the time for absentee voting and does away with a signature matches in favor of providing a driver’s license, state ID or the last four digits of their social security number on ballots.

“This is Jim Crow on steroids, what they’re doing in Georgia and 40 other states,” Biden said.

Crenshaw asked Biden if the president was intending to pull the U.S. out of the Beijing Olympics.

“Hey Joe Biden, you gonna boycott the Beijing Olympics because of mass genocide?” Crenshaw asked. “Or are you just into hurting Atlanta small businesses that were planning on the all-star game?” Biden’s answer, if written on his teleprompter, would be “hurting Atlanta small businesses.”

Maybe Major League Baseball should be ignored by Americans who want to clean up voter fraud in Georgia.