Even though I do not live within the Fourth Congressional District of Oklahoma, I have received fund raising literature from several of Oklahoma’s Congressional delegation.
A few weeks ago, I received such a request from Representative Tom Cole.
One of the headlines contained in Rep. Cole’s support request states, “Urgent Reply to Rep. Tom Cole, Save Our Oklahoma Jobs and Values.”
This is a commendable slogan.
Also, in the fund-raising letter, Rep. Cole emphasizes in bold print “Our Oklahoma values and jobs are worth defending.” Later he states that letting socialists in government would destroy ” schools” along with other institutions.
With the bravado contained in his fund-raising request, you can imagine my utter shock to learn that Rep. Cole is a co-sponsor of HR 1814, “Civics Secures Democracy Act.” Of the nineteen co-sponsors, Cole is the only Republican Congressman to do so!
According to Stanley Kurtz, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, this legislation would ‘”supercharge the culture war by injecting it into the heart of federal education policy.”‘
Kurtz continues by saying, “This money disbursed under this legislation will promote so-called woke education, including critical race theory and action civics, in the nation’s classrooms, merging ‘the culture war [and] … K-12 education-policy disputes to a degree never before seen.”‘ (Epoch Times, March 31, 2021)
Oklahoma does not need another Federal Government intervention into the education of its children. We certainly do not need another Federal program that potentially will bring about the destruction of our democratic institutions and curriculums.
I strongly urge Tulsa Beacon readers to contact Representative Tom Cole requesting that he withdraw his support for HR 1814 . Also, I encourage readers to contact their U. S. Congressmen/Congresswomen requesting they vote against this legislation.