Joe Biden said you don’t need a background check to buy a gun at a gun show. He is either lying, ignorant or he simply forgot the facts.
You cannot buy a firearm in the United States from a licensed gun dealer without a federal background check. If you answer any of the questions incorrectly, you don’t get to buy a gun. That is true in a gun show, like the recent Wanenmacher’s Tulsa Arms Show, it’s true at WalMart and it’s true if you buy a firearm online. In fact, if you order a gun online, it has to be shipped to a local, licensed dealer in order to complete the transactions.
Biden and his Democrat handlers speak like America has no background checks on purchases. (By the way, the background checks rarely catch any criminals because they are too savvy to submit to a background check. They buy their guns off the street).
The Biden Democrats ultimately want to force “universal background checks.” That would include sales between individuals. That means you would have to have a background check on your 13-year-old son before selling him your .22-caliber long rifle. It is just more government and it is virtually unenforceable.
The next step after universal background checks is gun registration, a prelude to gun confiscation. This is the process for dictatorship.
Gun shows aren’t the problem.
The problem is Joe Biden and the Democrats and their disdain for the 2nd Amendment.