Public school teachers should not tell a white elementary student that he or she should feel guilty because they are white. This is such a fundamental truth that is shouldn’t have to be made into a state law.

But the need is there because of the culture that is brewing the public education establishment in America and in Oklahoma.

The Oklahoma Legislature passed and Gov. Kevin Stitt signed House Bill 1775, which outlaws the teaching of “Critical Race Theory” in Oklahoma public schools, including k-12 and states-supported colleges and universities.

Critical Race Theory is grounded in Maxist ideology that proposes to teach children to despise American exceptionalism and to distrust others based on skin color or sex.

This new law doesn’t prohibit the teaching of historical records of racism or genocide. It does stop teachers from forcing students to give answers that lead them to conclude that they are inherently racist or sexist because of the color or their skin or their sex. It stops teachers from intimating that a student should feel a certain way because of their heritage.

Democrat legislators, liberal school administrations and teacher unions are livid about the passage of this law, which is being quickly adopted in several other states. They want teachers to have the freedom to tell students that America’s founding was by racist white settlers and that present-day white people bear the guilt of those actions.

And they want to force normalization of acceptance of homosexuality and other aberrant lifestyles.

It’s time to restore moral values in public schools. We need to stop handing over impressionable students to teachers who hate America and who want to abandon traditional morality.

HB1775 is a good first step.