Law enforcement in Tulsa did another good job of keeping the city safe during the Memorial Day holiday weekend.
The elements for trouble were there but local police, county officers plus state and federal officials made it safe for not only Tulsa residents but for those visiting the city, including a visit from President Joe Biden.
Marxists, communists, socialists and secularists are working hard to cause friction among racial groups. They have successfully spawned riots in places like Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York, etc. Any seeming misstep by police involving a white officer and a black suspect has been cited as a sign of white oppression of blacks in America.
That violence didn’t occur in Tulsa following the marking of the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race riot/massacre. One reason is because this sad event occurred 100 years ago and no one who is to blame is still alive. And there are only three victims remaining.
And Tulsa is not and was not a racist city, no matter how many times the mainstream news media state that it is.
But give credit to the religious community in North Tulsa for adopting the advice of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who preached nonviolent demonstration.
And be sure to thank Tulsa’s law enforcement whose steady hand and fairness prevented something that could have been a problem.