During the 2020 presidential debates, Joe Biden was asked a question about Antifa, who at that time was burning, looting, and hurting American citizens in several major cities. Biden shrugged off the question by replying that Antifa was really just “an idea, not an organization”.

 Many Americans, mainly those on the right, expressed outrage at Biden’s remark. They had seen the news on their television screens as these black-clad young people on a nightly basis terrorized Portland, Seattle, and other urban areas which included attacking government buildings, burning down small businesses, and harassing and pounding on innocent restaurant patrons. The former vice-president, and now president, appeared to almost defend these violent extremists with his nonchalant answer. But was he right? Are the Antifa radicals not an organization, but merely acting out on their ideals? On their beliefs?

Looking at the big picture, President Biden was right. Although there is an organized Antifa cell in Portland, unlike Black Lives Matter which is highly organized, there is no national Antifa organization, no national officers, no official public relations operatives appearing on the Sunday morning news programs to be asked softball questions by the likes of Chuck Todd, George Stephanopoulos, or Chris Wallace. If this is so, then who are these young people hiding their faces behind black masks and what filled them with such hate?

 Who are these youths doing so much property damage and terrorizing anyone who happens to cross their path? The answer is actually simple. These violent young people are our children and grandchildren. Most are from respectable middle-class families. Most are either attending a college or university or recently graduated with many attending expensive, prestigious schools. These malcontents are not poor. They are not deprived. And despite their clamor, they are not victims in any sense of the word.

Then why are they acting like this? Why are they so unhappy with the very country that provided them with everything they have? The short answer is that they have been taught to be this way. They are the products of our educational system. These are the students who listened in class, who read the required material, who did well on exams. We are witnessing the results of our public schools (and increasingly many private schools). Results that many instructors and professors deem successful and satisfying. These educators do not see a problem; they see the future. A future where the United States is fundamentally transformed.

 Now don’t get me wrong. I believe anyone destroying property or hurting another human being should be held accountable. However, these young people are not entirely at fault. They are merely acting out on what they have been taught. Whether you realize it or not, the Left is in charge of our schools. They control what our children learn. The Left’s influence runs deep and because of the leftward tilt of teacher training, this ideology dips into primary and secondary schools. Some of the most radical teachers out there are ensconced in high schools.

These teachers can get downright emotional and angry when pontificating on the inequality of capitalism, the dismal history of our nation due to white, straight, Christian males, and critical race theory where everyone with pale skin was born with a permanent psychological defect that can only be assuaged by acceptance of this DNA fact and asking forgiveness for being born into such a despicable ethnic group.

 I teach American history to freshmen and sophomore college students. I have been in the classroom for close to thirty years. I love discussing the founding fathers and all periods of our history. In the last ten years, I have witnessed a dramatic increase in negative comments about figures in our history who used to be heroes.

 I have had students discount the Declaration of Independence because Jefferson owned slaves. I enjoy giving quotes by Washington and Madison and their reliance on God and the Bible. But again, these founders are sneered at for the same reason as Jefferson. Even Lincoln is looked down upon because he relied on his “white privilege” to advance in life despite being the poorest president ever to hold office. I even had a student on an exam essay denounce Franklin Roosevelt, the icon of the Democrat party, as a “rich, white dude who really didn’t care about blacks and poor people”. The respect and reverence for our past is all but gone. And sadly, most negative comments are from my top students, students who will probably go on to professional or graduate studies.

We are teaching the next generation that America is a bad country and has been since its inception. If this is not turned around – and soon – we are doomed as a free society. Many of our best students no longer love their country. They no longer value free speech or freedom of conscience. They no longer understand or accept that the United States was founded on Christian principles and that is what has made us so exceptional. In fact, godlessness is on the rise across our nation.

And we must accept some of the fault. We allowed it to happen. While we were focused on politics and winning elections, the left was focused on our kids. They understood that they are the future.

 We have taken our schools for granted. As long as the football team was winning, and our daughters made the cheer squad, all was well.

 So, President Biden was correct, Antifa is an idea. An idea that is taught to these young people primarily through our school system. In a perverse way, we should be proud that they learned, and learned well. While the president does not see this as a problem, hopefully many Americans do.

 Recently, I attended a meeting of patriotic pastors, good people all. The speaker, a man I highly respect, gave a talk on taking back America. He concluded that it must begin in the pulpit. That we must have ministers of all denominations stand up to the current anti-Christ culture. I completely agree. However, if we do not want to see another generation of violent young people who hate the country of their birth, might I suggest we make taking back our schools a high priority!